Knowledgebase entries for Accounts Payable Application
Question: How do I open a New Year for Accounts Payable and General Ledger? Resolution: Create the accounting period for each Corp/Fund for the new year. (this example is from 2011 to New Year 2012)...
Question: How Do I make a partial payment to an invoice? Resolution: From the AP Main Menu go to #1 Daily Processing and then #15 Check Selection and Payment Partial payments and On-Account payments m...
Question: How do I make a manual entry for Computer Disbursements JE (__CD)? Detail: My AP check run posted in AP but __CD entry did not post to the GL. How can I correct this without creating wh...
Question: How do I look up an AP Check without knowing the vendor it was issued to? Resolution: Take option #2-Vendor Inquiry from the AP Inquiries & Reports menu. Then select option #4-Check History...
Question: How do I give a user a security option they don’t currently have? Resolution: From the Main Menu go to Option #1 General Functions Then Option #6 Setup Menu Security Option #11 Add/Chg Use...
Question: How do I fix Electronic Disbursements posted to the wrong bank? Resolution: You need to void the ED's by taking option# 16-Void Check Entry from the AP Daily Processing menu. Enter the Co...
Question: We voided a check in accounts payable that has now been cashed. We reissued another check for those same invoices that was also cashed as well. Any easy way to fix such a mess? Resolution: ...
Question: How do I enter a refund check? Resolution: Here are two options for writing a refund check: 1. If you are manually writing a check, use the Hand Disbursement option #4 on the A/P Daily Proce...
Question: How do I enter a Manual check to someone NOT in the Vendor file? Resolution: If you are (have written) writing a manual check to a 1 time vendor use Vendor 999999 (miscellaneous vendor) Y...
Question: How do I enter a credit invoice from a vendor into accounts payable? The following is what I want to happen: Vendor - total invoice to pay $12.97 via check DR - Utilities $22.94 CR - Account...