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Unable to Print Checks


Multiple spool files were waiting to be printed on the output queue where checks are normally printed from.

Incorrect data was printed on checks.

The A/P clerk attempted to reprint the checks starting from a new check number.

System believes one check was printed (#106479), other checks are now waiting to be printed in Unpaid.

 "Incorrect" data exists in APAYFILE/APPAYP (data associated with checks not printed (i.e., #104873 )).

 A/P clerk is now unable to issue checks.



Did you get a check register? If so that should allow you to identify the items that were incorrectly flagged as paid. You will need to void those checks and post the replacement voucher batch which the void procedure generates. Then update the last check number in the bank file and do the check run again.

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  1. Paul Fuller

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