Knowledgebase entries for Accounts Payable Application
Question: In #10 Check Daily reconciliation entry I had entered 12/31/15 instead of 12/31/14. I updated the #12 check daily reconciliation update and then also did #21 monthly check reconciliation. So...
Issue: Wrong Check Number My AP team cut a check last week and mistakenly keyed in the wrong check number... so we have a mismatch between the check number in the system (87495) and the check number o...
Question: Why would I use the Zero Check Selection Option? Resolution: This procedure is used to purge offsetting debit and credit entries from the Open A/P file is much the same as that used for re...
Question: Why is the system not allowing me to void a check? Resolution: The check has already been reconciled. Use option #23 Unreconcile E/D from the AP Supervisor Functions menu to add the check...
Question: Why is my P&L is not carrying over retained earnings? Resolution: Step 1 Does the Ytd balance sheet & the current month P&L agree. If not see instructions below: The Balance Sheet YTD (ret...
Question: Why is my check register showing different check numbers from the checks that actually printed? Resolution: It appears that either the wrong check stock was used or the wrong starting chec...
Question: Why is my AP upload to excel not working now that I have been upgraded to Windows 7? Resolution: The program used to do the upload is vcupldp.bat. A revised version was sent to user and th...
Question: Why is my AP month end selection screen have the next close date as 10/31/09 but under supervisor menu it shows that I am closed up to November 2012. Resolution: Under set Accounting Flags...
Question: Why do I get the in use message in the AP Check Selection program when I try to run AP checks? Resolution: The in use message in the AP Check selection program is sent to the user because an...
Question: Why did my REPRINT not work? Resolution: Make sure you press enter twice at the REPRINT Screen. Do not leave this screen until you are sure everything has printed. Do not hit F20 until th...