Knowledgebase entries for Accounts Payable Application
Question: I attempted to run the preliminary AP accrual journal to close out the fiscal year ended 06/30/2012. I did not get a printed report. I have closed the month ended 07/31/2012. How can I get b...
Question: Why are my InterCorp(fund) entries showing subledger detail from wrong periods? Resolution: User noticed that in the GL Drilldown, the intercorporate expense was correct, but in AP subledg...
Question: Why am I getting the message CPF1338 unmonitored by APBT22C at statement 27200? Resolution: Your outq is set up incorrectly. That outq is in Qusrsys library and it is looking for it to be in...
Question: Why am I getting the message check number out of this range when entering a manual check. Resolution: You are using a check number that is in the range of computer generated checks. Here i...
Question: Why am I getting the message Accounting period out of sequence when I run recurring batches? Resolution: If you run an AP Inquiry you will see that your invoice had already posted in last ...
Question: Why am I getting the message 'This bank is locked'' when printing AP checks? Resolution: Possible causes for receiving this message are: 1) Another User is in the process of running A...
Question: Why am I getting the error message: Unable to allocate a record in file APMSTP? Resolution: Another job is creating a lock. Please contact your operations department to determine the job t...
Question: Why am I getting error message “in use by entry program when I enter my recurring AP batches? I also am getting a halt and don't' know how to respond. Resolution: Your batches for several...
Question: Why am I getting an error message “batches are in use”. Resolution: The RESET BATCH ‘IN USE’ FLAGS is accessed from the A/P Supervisor Functions option 13 and will allow you to unflag a bat...
Question: Who do I contact for ACOM EZPrint related matters? Resolution: Email : Phone: 800-603-6768...