How do I run vendor labels?
From the A/P Inquiries & Reports Menu take option #17 Vendor Labels.
This option prints 1-up or 4-up labels for all or selected vendors for a corporation(s). After selecting the Corp# and whether to print all or selected vendors, press F3 to display the screen below.
Please select one of the following run options:
1. All Vendors
2. All Vendors - Name & Vendor # ONLY
3. Active Vendors Only
4. Active Vendors - Name & Vendor # ONLY
5. Active 1099 Vendors ONLY
__ Option
__ Print Vendor # for 1, 3, or 5 (Y/N)
Please select one of the following sequences:
1. Vendor Name sequence
2. Vendor Number sequence
3. Zip-Code sequence
__ Option
Print Labels 4-Up . . . . Y=Yes, N=No
Print Lables 3-up ... Y=Yes, N=No Please Note: for laser printers you may have some alignment issues that need program changes.
All or active vendors only may be selected using options 1 or 3. These options print full name and address, (vendor# is optional). Options 2 and 4 print name and vendor# only. Option 5 prints active 1099 vendors only (where the vendor has a ‘Y’ in the run 1099 at eoy field and is an active vendor). If option 5 is selected and the vendor has an alternate address, that address is printed on the label rather than the address in the Vendor Master file. Finally, indicate with a ‘Y’ or an ‘N’ whether to print the vendor# and select the desired print sequence and whether to print 4-up labels. If not, 1-up labels are printed. Labels are 1 in high and 3 inches wide
Paul Fuller