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Sales Summary Report not Matching Profit and Loss Report


My sales summary report for the month of august is not matching my Profit and loss report.



The invoices dated 8/29 were posted into accounting period 9. That’s why they’re not showing up on those reports or in the G/L for August. You can confirm this by checking the month-end reports for September. The missing invoices should be there. The same thing happened to about half of the invoices dated 5/30, they went into accounting period 6.

The accounting period is determined based on the period-ending date in the accounting period file. Currently it is set to 8/29 for August but it may have been different at the time the invoices were posted. Also, if the current period has been closed for AR, the program will use the next open period (e.g., invoices on the 29th printed after AR period had been closed.)

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  1. Paul Fuller

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