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What does the message 'Invalid Check#' mean when I try to un-reconcile an Electronic Disbursement?


What does the message 'Invalid Check#' mean when I try to unreconciled an Electronic Disbursement?


The message means that the E/D# you are trying to unreconciled is no longer in the Check Reconciliation file.  In most cases, E/Ds are automatically reconciled when they are processed so when the bank reconciliation is done for that month, those reconciled items get removed from the Check Rec. file.  It can be added back to the reconciliation file using #23-Add Checks to Check Rec. File on the AP Supervisor Functions menu.  Once it has been added to the reconciliation file, THEN you can unreconciled it via #25-Unreconcile E/D on that same menu.

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  1. Paul Fuller

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