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Wrong date entered in Check Reconciliation


In #10 Check Daily reconciliation entry I had entered 12/31/15 instead of 12/31/14. I updated the #12 check daily reconciliation update and then also did #21 monthly check reconciliation. So, there were no records that had updated in monthly reconciliation.



You should find CHKRLP in a library called XAPPFILE. You can use the "wrkobj *all/chkrlp" command to confirm. There should be a number of records out there with a reconciled date of 12/31/15 instead of 12/31/14. The month, day, and year are three separate fields.


To fix you would use option 24. Change Reconciled Date on the A/P Supervisor Functions menu to change the reconcile date to the correct date.

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  1. Paul Fuller

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