What are the Steps for Check Reconciliation?
From the AP Main Menu go to A/P Check Reconciliation.
This menu option enables on-line reconciliation of Accounts Payable checks, (computer, hand checks and electronic disbursements) for each active bank. Since the system has stored each issued check in a special file, the operator need only enter the individual numbers of the checks to be reconciled or a range of check numbers. It is not necessary to put the checks in numeric order prior to entering them - the edit list is printed in the same sequence as the checks are entered. Upon selection of this menu option, a screen like that shown below appears. (See NOTE below for exceptions.) Key in the corp# and bank# for the reconciliation, the reconciliation date, (if different from the system date, and the status code to assign, (R=Reconciled, C=Clear Status).
a/p check reconciliation
date 7/25/89
status (r/c)........
check#............ - ............
amount (optional).....
**NOTE** If ‘XP’ profile #12-Multi-Entity Check Rec. is set to ‘Y’ , and you are performing a check reconciliation for a common bank# used in multiple corporations, key ‘999’ in the corp# field. This causes the system to lock for the check#s in any corporation for the bank# entered.
Once these fields have been keyed, you can enter the first check# and press FIELD EXIT. If the check# is a valid one for the designated Corp/Bank, the system displays the vendor# and name, check amount, check date, and a blank status. Visually verify that this is the right check and press ENTER to process. Continue with the rest of the checks.
Paul Fuller