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Accounts Payable

Knowledgebase entries for Accounts Payable Application

  • Un-reconcile an AP check

    Question: How can I un-reconcile an AP check? Resolution: If a check has been reconciled, updated and dropped as part of the month end reconciliation, you will have to take Option # 23 Add Checks to C...

  • GL not showing all disbursements (__CD & __DJ)

    Question: My GL Accounts Payable Balance doesn't look as if all disbursements from AP posted to the GL, what should I do? Resolution: Run an AP Check Register by Period (option 14 from AP inquiries an...

  • Disbursement Journal entries not posted to G/L

    Question: Disbursement Journal entries not posted  to G/L , How do I fix? Specifics: My __DJ did not post from AP to GL as I had an error in my rejection mask, how can I  post this and make it look li...

  • Correct a Zero Check

    Issue: Need to correct a Zero Check that was processed last month. Resolution: Use option 6 to Force GL detail to be re-posted. Second Issue:  I used the force close option and now no PJ entries are s...

  • Check did Not Print

    Question: Not sure what I did but one of my checks did not print in yesterday’s run? How do I print it?   Resolution: Currently, after you have run the Unpaid Bills report and go into AP Check Selecti...

  • Changed a Vendor to Electronic Payment in Maintenance File but keep getting a check.

    Question: I have changed a vendor in the vendor maintenance file to electronic payment but I keep getting a check printed. Resolution: Because this particular vendor was set up as a recurring payment ...

  • Change accounting period for Hand Disbursement Batch

    Question: I attempted to change the period for a batch of hand disbursements by using the GL Year End Processing options 2 & 3--Change period for GL entries (Edit) & (Update). The batch was accepted b...

  • Submit 1099 files directly to the IRS electronically.

    Question: Can I submit my 1099 files directly to the IRS electronically?   Resolution: First, you will need to set this with the IRS, see below link.,,id...

  • Can an AP Electronic Disbursement that has been automatically reconciled be voided?

    Question: Can an AP Electronic Disbursement that has been automatically reconciled be voided? Resolution: To UN-reconcile an AP Electronic Disbursements, go to the AP Supervisors menu and select the U...

  • AP Reports showing Job# instead of PO

    Question: When running reports I noticed our PO#’s are no longer showing and instead the job# has taken it’s place. Resolution: There is a job that will post any non-zero job numbers into the PO numbe...