Knowledgebase entries for General Ledger Application
Question: Why is my P&L is not carrying over retained earnings? Resolution: Step 1 Does the Ytd balance sheet & the current month P&L agree. If not see instructions below: The Balance Sheet YTD (ret...
Question: Why is my Balance Sheet in Report Writer not matching my General Ledger Detail? Resolution: When the Summary data (dollar amounts on a financial statement or trial balance) is different th...
Question: Why don't my G/L beginning balances for the new year match the ending balances for the prior year? Resolution: The most common reason that the closing and opening balances are different is t...
Question: Why does the amount in my Financials not agree with General Ledger Detail? Resolution: When the Summary data (dollar amounts on a financial statement or trial balance) is different than the ...
Question: Why can’t I upload my GL entries? Resolution: You do not have client access loaded on your pc....
Question: Why do I have a problem entering AR bills/cash for the new year? I get a message indicating that the 'Accounting Period is not open for A/R'. Resolution: Most likely you have not created th...
Question: Why are the cash receipts that I entered not posting to General Ledger? This is happening for Corporation 2 only. Resolution: The Corporation Profile Y/N CASH DEBITED TO OTHER CORP W/INTERCO...
Question: Why are my InterCorp(fund) entries showing subledger detail from wrong periods? Resolution: User noticed that in the GL Drilldown, the intercorporate expense was correct, but in AP subledg...
Question: Why am I not seeing all my corporations when I close the year in General Ledger? Resolution: In order to see a corporation in the Year End process the user must be authorized to that corpora...
Question: Why am I not able to select 3rd level reporting for my P&L reports? When I type in the 3 on the reporting level line and press enter, it highlights the 3. A red XII appears in the lower left...