Knowledgebase entries for General Ledger Application
Question: How do I enter beginning balances for a new corporation to be set up in General Ledger? Resolution: When you are ready to enter opening balances for the G/L, use a book code of AA (press ...
Question: How do I enter a new fiscal budget? Resolution: On the GL Main Menu go to option 4 Budgeting and then option 1 Budget File Maintenance....
Question: How do I do a GL Journal Entry Upload from an Excel spreadsheet? Resolution: Journal Entry Upload from Excel Spreadsheet Create an Excel spreadsheet that matches the GL Journal Entry File ...
Question: How do I do a Budget upload from an Excel spreadsheet? Resolution: Budget or Forecast Entry Upload from Excel Spreadsheet Create an Excel spreadsheet that matches the Budget/Forecast Entry...
Question: How do I delete entire Journal Entry batches (old version) without having to delete each line? Resolution: Use option 1- Journal Entry on the Supervisor Functions Menu. When prompted for Ol...
Question: How do I delete a GL Template? Resolution: To delete the Template you will need to use option 22. G/L Template Files from the G/L File Maintenance Menu....
Question: How do I create a new General Ledger Account? Resolution: GL accounts are created from the Chart of Accounts maintenance option from the G/L File Maintenance Menu. Detailed information on th...
Question: How do I create a new bank to use in AP and/or PR? Resolution: You must first determine whether you need a new GL account# for the new bank to be used in AP and/or PR. If you do, take #5-Fi...
Question: How do I correct out of Balance or missing Purchase Journals (__PJ) entries in GL? Resolution: To re-create the entries, take option 8-Reverse G/L Entries by Period from the AP Month E...
Question: How do I correct a fund that is showing in the wrong accounting period? Resolution: Is it possible that this batch was posted before the accounting periods for the fund f/y 2013 were set...