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How do I do a Budget upload from an Excel spreadsheet?


How do I do a Budget upload from an Excel spreadsheet?


Budget or Forecast Entry Upload from Excel Spreadsheet


  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet that matches the Budget/Forecast Entry.   During the installation of the new programs, a template spreadsheet is provided for your use.
  2. Create the budget line item entries within the Excel spreadsheet.  At a minimum, the following columns must contain data: Corp#, Div#, (no division# is required if budgeting for balance sheet accounts), Account# and Amount.  The spreadsheet contains amount columns for up to 13 periods and you must enter an amount into at least one of the period columns.  The Dept# and Job# columns exist in the spreadsheet but are optional. There is no on-line validation of the data in the spreadsheet so be sure that the account#s, division#s, department#s and job#s are accurate.
  3. Formatting of various fields:  The amount field must be formatted with 0 decimal places.
  4. In order to upload the spreadsheet to the DAPREX GL system, you must first save it as a .csv file, delete the column headings and TOTAL rows and TOTAL columns and save it again as a .csv file.  Now you are ready to run the upload.
  5. On your desktop you will see the DAPREX GL Upload icon.  Click on it  and fill in the following information as necessary:

 Year (required) – must be entered as CCYY (century, year).  Select Budget or

Forecast.  If Forecast is selected, enter the Forecast name as CURRENT unless you are using the multiple forecasts option within the GL system.  In that case give it any name you wish.

  1. Now enter the .csv directory and file name or click the Browse button and navigate to it.
  2. Click the upload button to upload the file and create the budget/forecast file.
  3. Click the close button to close the window.
  4. Go to the AS/400 session and run a Budget Listing using option #4 on the Budget Menu to verify. 
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Paul Fuller

  2. Posted
