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How do I Upload G/L Journal Entries Data From the GUI?


I have upgraded to the GUI product.  How do I Upload G/L Journal Entries Data From the GUI?


  1. Save the journal entry import spreadsheet in .csv mode and delete all column heading and total rows, as well as any total columns.  Also remove any special numeric formatting, such as commas and parentheses PLEASE NOTE: Decimal points are required and minus signs are Ok.

Sample files

 Spreadsheet with column headings and total.


  csv files without headings and totals removed for upload.


  1. From the General Ledger Master Menu, select Daily Processing
  1. From the GL Daily Processing Menu, select Journal Entry Upload.

    4.  From G/L Upload screen,

 a. ) Enter the optional defaults, if desired.  PLEASE NOTE:  The Corporation, accounting period, book code, and description on this   screen will only be loaded into the batch Journal Entry detail if the corresponding values in the journal entry import spreadsheet are blank. 

      b.) Click the Import Journal Entries button and select your journal entry spreadsheet to import.

c.) Selection of the journal entry import spreadsheet will initiate the data transfer.  If presented with a user signon screen, enter your   iSeries (AS/400) user id and password.

d.) Once the Transfer to IBM i Complete screen is displayed, click the OK button.

e.) Click the OK button twice.  Upon successful completion of this process, the journal entry batch will be created.  The batch will be accessible via the GL Journal Entry screen.  For more details on GL Journal Entry, please watch the training video

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Paul Fuller

  2. Posted 3 years ago
