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Journal Entry Batch was Rejected


I entered a batch today for a new fund/corporation and after updating my GL Journal Proof List was rejected, can you tell me what happened?



The accounting periods were not set up for the new fund which caused the error message of "unknown". To fix this, set up your accounting periods and then re-run your edit listing in General Ledger. You will need to access the batch via the Supervisors menu.  Normally if you go into options 1-3 on the "G/L Daily Processing Menu" it will give you a list of batches that have been created with your user ID. Since this batch was created by the A/P process you will have to go to the supervisor menu where options 1-3 are the same, except they let you see batches for all users.  If the edit listing is OK proceed to the Update menu to update the batch and you will be all set.

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  1. Paul Fuller

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