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Why is my Balance Sheet in Report Writer not matching my General Ledger Detail?


Why is my Balance Sheet in Report Writer not matching my General Ledger Detail?



When the Summary data (dollar amounts on a financial statement or trial balance) is different than the detail data (amounts showing on the GL Account Inquiry screen), the summary and detail files are out of sync. This can happen when a year end close is run while users are using the GL Detail files.

To re-synch these files, make sure that ALL users (even AP) who post to the GL are out of those files.

Select #9 Supervisor Functions Menu from the GL Main Menu and take  option# 20-Rebuild Summary Files (Actual).

Press F20 to run the rebuild when you are ready with all users out of GL. This will rebuild the summary files from the detail and the two sets of amounts should agree now.

Make sure to display your messages after this program is complete (takes about 10 minutes) and you will see the following message:Job 1xxxxxx/your user name/GLBT15CS completed normally on 11/01/11 at 1x:xx:xx.

To see your messages, Press F13 from the menu for the Systems Function Menu and take option 3.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Paul Fuller

  2. Posted
